Source code for numerapi.signalsapi

"""API for Numerai Signals"""

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union
import os
import decimal
from io import BytesIO

import requests
import pandas as pd

from numerapi import base_api
from numerapi import utils

[docs] class SignalsAPI(base_api.Api): """"API for Numerai Signals""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): base_api.Api.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.tournament_id = 11
[docs] def get_leaderboard(self, limit: int = 50, offset: int = 0) -> List[Dict]: """Get the current Numerai Signals leaderboard Args: limit (int): number of items to return (optional, defaults to 50) offset (int): number of items to skip (optional, defaults to 0) Returns: list of dicts: list of leaderboard entries Each dict contains the following items: * username (`str`) * sharpe (`float`) * rank (`int`) * prevRank (`int`) * today (`float`) * mmc (`float`) * mmcRank (`int`) * icRep (`float`) * icRank (`int`) * tcRep (`float`) * tcRank (`int`) * nmrStaked (`float`) Example: >>> numerapi.SignalsAPI().get_leaderboard(1) [{'prevRank': 1, 'rank': 1, 'sharpe': 2.3, 'today': 0.01321, 'username': 'floury_kerril_moodle', 'mmc': -0.0101202715, 'mmcRank': 30, 'nmrStaked': 13.0, 'icRep': -0.0101202715, 'icRank': 30, .. }] """ query = ''' query($limit: Int! $offset: Int!) { signalsLeaderboard(limit: $limit offset: $offset) { prevRank rank sharpe today username mmc mmcRank nmrStaked icRank icRep tcRep tcRank } } ''' arguments = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['signalsLeaderboard'] return data
[docs] def upload_predictions(self, file_path: str = "predictions.csv", model_id: str = None, df: pd.DataFrame = None, timeout: Union[None, float, Tuple[float, float]] = (10, 60), ) -> str: """Upload predictions from file. Will read TRIGGER_ID from the environment if this model is enabled with a Numerai Compute cluster setup by Numerai CLI. Args: file_path (str): CSV file with predictions that will get uploaded model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame to upload, if function is given df and file_path, df will be uploaded timeout (float|tuple(float,float)): waiting time (connection timeout, read timeout) Returns: str: submission_id Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.upload_predictions("prediction.cvs", model_id=model_id) '93c46857-fed9-4594-981e-82db2b358daf' >>> # upload directly from a pandas DataFrame: >>> api.upload_predictions(df = predictions_df, model_id=model_id) """"uploading predictions...") # write the pandas DataFrame as a binary buffer if provided buffer_csv = None if df is not None: buffer_csv = BytesIO(df.to_csv(index=False).encode()) = file_path auth_query = ''' query($filename: String! $modelId: String) { submissionUploadSignalsAuth(filename: $filename modelId: $modelId) { filename url } } ''' arguments = {'filename': os.path.basename(file_path), 'modelId': model_id} submission_resp = self.raw_query(auth_query, arguments, authorization=True) auth = submission_resp['data']['submissionUploadSignalsAuth'] # get compute id if available and pass it along headers = {"x_compute_id": os.getenv("NUMERAI_COMPUTE_ID")} with open(file_path, 'rb') if df is None else buffer_csv as file: requests.put(auth['url'],, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) create_query = ''' mutation($filename: String! $modelId: String $triggerId: String) { createSignalsSubmission(filename: $filename modelId: $modelId triggerId: $triggerId source: "numerapi") { id firstEffectiveDate } } ''' arguments = {'filename': auth['filename'], 'modelId': model_id, 'triggerId': os.getenv('TRIGGER_ID', None)} create = self.raw_query(create_query, arguments, authorization=True) return create['data']['createSignalsSubmission']['id']
[docs] def submission_status(self, model_id: str = None) -> None: """submission status of the last submission associated with the account DEPRECATED numerai no longer provides this data. This will be removed in one of the next versions Args: model_id (str) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.submission_status(model_id) """ _ = model_id self.logger.warning("Method submission_status is DEPRECATED and will be removed soon.")
[docs] def public_user_profile(self, username: str) -> Dict: """Fetch the public Numerai Signals profile of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: dict: user profile including the following fields: * username (`str`) * startDate (`datetime`) * id (`string`) * bio (`str`) * nmrStaked (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI() >>> api.public_user_profile("floury_kerril_moodle") {'bio': None, 'id': '635db2a4-bdc6-4e5d-b515-f5120392c8c9', 'startDate': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 26, 0, 43), 'username': 'floury_kerril_moodle', 'nmrStaked': Decimal('14.630994874320760131')} """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v2SignalsProfile(modelName: $username) { id startDate username bio nmrStaked } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2SignalsProfile'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "startDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(data, "nmrStaked", utils.parse_float_string) return data
[docs] def daily_model_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch daily Numerai Signals performance of a model. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily user performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * date (`datetime`) * corrRank (`int`) * corrRep (`float` or None) * mmcRank (`int`) * mmcRep (`float` or None) * icRank (`int`) * icRep (`float` or None) * tcRank (`int`) * tcRep (`float` or None) * corr20dRank (`int`) * corr20dRep (`float` or None) * corr60Rank (`int`) * corr60Rep (`float` or None) * mmc20dRank (`int`) * mmc20dRep (`float` or None) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI() >>> api.daily_model_performances("floury_kerril_moodle") [{'corrRank': 45, 'corrRep': -0.00010935616731632354, 'corr20dRank': None, 'corr20dRep': None, 'mmc20dRank': None, 'mmc20dRep': None, 'date': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 18, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'mmcRank': 6, 'mmcRep': 0.0, 'icRank': 6, 'icRep': 0.0, ...}, ... ] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v2SignalsProfile(modelName: $username) { dailyModelPerformances { date corrRank corrRep mmcRep mmcRank corr20dRep corr20dRank corr60Rep corr60Rank icRep icRank tcRank tcRep mmc20dRep mmc20dRank } } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2SignalsProfile'] performances = data['dailyModelPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances
[docs] def ticker_universe(self) -> List[str]: """fetch universe of accepted tickers Returns: list of strings: list of currently accepted tickers Example: >>> SignalsAPI().ticker_universe() ["MSFT", "AMZN", "APPL", ...] """ path = self.download_dataset("signals/universe_public.csv") return pd.read_csv(path).ticker.tolist()
[docs] def download_validation_data(self) -> None: """download CSV file with historical targets and ticker universe """ self.logger.warning("'download_validation_data' is DEPRECATED.") self.logger.warning("Please use 'download_dataset' and 'list_datasets'")
[docs] def stake_get(self, username) -> decimal.Decimal: """get current stake for a given users Args: username (str) Returns: decimal.Decimal: current stake Example: >>> SignalsAPI().stake_get("uuazed") Decimal('14.63') """ data = self.public_user_profile(username) return data['totalStake']