Source code for numerapi.numerapi

"""API for Numerai Classic"""

import os
import decimal
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union
from io import BytesIO

import requests
import pandas as pd

from numerapi import utils
from numerapi import base_api

[docs] class NumerAPI(base_api.Api): """Wrapper around the Numerai API Automatically download and upload data for the Numerai machine learning competition. This library is a Python client to the Numerai API. The interface is implemented in Python and tournamentallows downloading the training data, uploading predictions, accessing user, submission and competitions information and much more. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): base_api.Api.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.tournament_id = 8
[docs] def get_competitions(self, tournament=8): """Retrieves information about all competitions Args: tournament (int, optional): ID of the tournament, defaults to 8 -- DEPRECATED there is only one tournament nowadays Returns: list of dicts: list of rounds Each round's dict contains the following items: * number (`int`) * openTime (`datetime`) * resolveTime (`datetime`) * resolvedGeneral (`bool`) * resolvedStaking (`bool`) Example: >>> NumerAPI().get_competitions() [ {'number': 71, 'openTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 31, 0, 0), 'resolveTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 27, 21, 0), 'resolvedGeneral': True, 'resolvedStaking': True, }, .. ] """"getting rounds...") query = ''' query($tournament: Int!) { rounds(tournament: $tournament) { number resolveTime openTime resolvedGeneral resolvedStaking } } ''' arguments = {'tournament': tournament} result = self.raw_query(query, arguments) rounds = result['data']['rounds'] # convert datetime strings to datetime.datetime objects for rnd in rounds: utils.replace(rnd, "openTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(rnd, "resolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) return rounds
[docs] def get_submission_filenames(self, tournament=None, round_num=None, model_id=None) -> List[Dict]: """Get filenames of the submission of the user. Args: tournament (int): optionally filter by ID of the tournament -- DEPRECATED there is only one tournament nowadays round_num (int): optionally filter round number model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) Returns: list: list of user filenames (`dict`) Each filenames in the list as the following structure: * filename (`str`) * round_num (`int`) * tournament (`int`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.get_submission_filenames(3, 111, model) [{'filename': 'model57-dMpHpYMPIUAF.csv', 'round_num': 111, 'tournament': 3}] """ query = """ query($modelId: String) { model(modelId: $modelId) { submissions { filename selected round { tournament number } } } } """ arguments = {'modelId': model_id} data = self.raw_query( query, arguments, authorization=True)['data']['model'] filenames = [{"round_num": item['round']['number'], "tournament": item['round']['tournament'], "filename": item['filename']} for item in data['submissions'] if item['selected']] if round_num is not None: filenames = [f for f in filenames if f['round_num'] == round_num] if tournament is not None: filenames = [f for f in filenames if f['tournament'] == tournament] filenames.sort(key=lambda f: (f['round_num'], f['tournament'])) return filenames
[docs] def get_user(self, model_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Get all information about you! DEPRECATED Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) Returns: dict: user information including the following fields: * assignedEthAddress (`str`) * availableNmr (`decimal.Decimal`) * availableUsd (`decimal.Decimal`) * banned (`bool`) * email (`str`) * id (`str`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * mfaEnabled (`bool`) * status (`str`) * username (`str`) * country (`str) * apiTokens (`list`) each with the following fields: * name (`str`) * public_id (`str`) * scopes (`list of str`) * v2Stake * status (`str`) * txHash (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.get_user(model) {'apiTokens': [ {'name': 'tokenname', 'public_id': 'BLABLA', 'scopes': ['upload_submission', 'stake', ..] }, ..], 'assignedEthAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000001', 'availableNmr': Decimal('99.01'), 'availableUsd': Decimal('9.47'), 'banned': False, 'email': '', 'country': 'US', 'id': '1234-ABC..', 'insertedAt': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 2, 16, 48), 'mfaEnabled': False, 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'username': 'cool username', 'v2Stake': None } """ self.logger.warning("Method get_user is DEPRECATED, use get_account") query = """ query($modelId: String) { user(modelId: $modelId) { username banned assignedEthAddress availableNmr availableUsd email id mfaEnabled status country insertedAt apiTokens { name public_id scopes } v2Stake { status txHash } } } """ arguments = {'modelId': model_id} data = self.raw_query( query, arguments, authorization=True)['data']['user'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(data, "availableUsd", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(data, "availableNmr", utils.parse_float_string) return data
[docs] def submission_status(self, model_id: str = None) -> None: """submission status of the last submission associated with the account DEPRECATED numerai no longer provides this data. This will be removed in one of the next versions Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) Example: >>> napi = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = napi.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> napi.submission_status(model_id) """ _ = model_id self.logger.warning("Method submission_status is DEPRECATED and will be removed soon.")
[docs] def upload_predictions(self, file_path: str = "predictions.csv", tournament: int = 8, model_id: str = None, df: pd.DataFrame = None, data_datestamp: int = None, timeout: Union[None, float, Tuple[float, float]] = (10, 600), ) -> str: """Upload predictions from file. Will read TRIGGER_ID from the environment if this model is enabled with a Numerai Compute cluster setup by Numerai CLI. Args: file_path (str): CSV file with predictions that will get uploaded tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to 8) -- DEPRECATED there is only one tournament nowadays model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) df (pandas.DataFrame): pandas DataFrame to upload, if function is given df and file_path, df will be uploaded. data_datestamp (int): Data lag, in case submission is done using data from the previous day(s). timeout (float|tuple(float,float)): waiting time (connection timeout, read timeout) Returns: str: submission_id Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.upload_predictions("prediction.cvs", model_id=model_id) '93c46857-fed9-4594-981e-82db2b358daf' >>> # upload from pandas DataFrame directly: >>> api.upload_predictions(df=predictions_df, model_id=model_id) """"uploading predictions...") # write the pandas DataFrame as a binary buffer if provided buffer_csv = None if df is not None: buffer_csv = BytesIO(df.to_csv(index=False).encode()) = file_path upload_auth = self._upload_auth( 'submission_upload_auth', file_path, tournament, model_id) # get compute id if available and pass it along headers = {"x_compute_id": os.getenv("NUMERAI_COMPUTE_ID")} with open(file_path, 'rb') if df is None else buffer_csv as file: requests.put( upload_auth['url'],, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) create_query = ''' mutation($filename: String! $tournament: Int! $modelId: String $triggerId: String, $dataDatestamp: Int) { create_submission(filename: $filename tournament: $tournament modelId: $modelId triggerId: $triggerId source: "numerapi" dataDatestamp: $dataDatestamp) { id } } ''' arguments = {'filename': upload_auth['filename'], 'tournament': tournament, 'modelId': model_id, 'triggerId': os.getenv('TRIGGER_ID', None), 'dataDatestamp': data_datestamp} create = self.raw_query(create_query, arguments, authorization=True) submission_id = create['data']['create_submission']['id'] return submission_id
[docs] def get_leaderboard(self, limit: int = 50, offset: int = 0) -> List[Dict]: """Get the current model leaderboard Args: limit (int): number of items to return (optional, defaults to 50) offset (int): number of items to skip (optional, defaults to 0) Returns: list of dicts: list of leaderboard entries Each dict contains the following items: * username (`str`) * rank (`int`) * nmrStaked (`decimal.Decimal`) * corr20Rep (`float`) * corj60Rep (`float`) * fncRep (`float`) * fncV3Rep (`float`) * tcRep (`float`) * mmcRep (`float`) * bmcRep (`float`) * team (`bool`) * return_1_day (`float`) * return_52_day (`float`) * return_13_day (`float`) Example: >>> numerapi.NumerAPI().get_leaderboard(1) [{'username': 'anton', 'rank': 143, 'nmrStaked': Decimal('12'), ... }] """ query = ''' query($limit: Int! $offset: Int!) { v2Leaderboard(limit: $limit offset: $offset) { nmrStaked rank username corr20Rep corr20V2Rep corj60Rep fncRep fncV3Rep tcRep mmcRep bmcRep team return_1_day return_52_weeks return_13_weeks } } ''' arguments = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2Leaderboard'] for item in data: utils.replace(item, "nmrStaked", utils.parse_float_string) return data
[docs] def stake_set(self, nmr, model_id: str) -> Dict: """Set stake to value by decreasing or increasing your current stake Args: nmr (float or str): amount of NMR you want to stake model_id (str): model_id for where you want to stake Returns: dict: stake information with the following content: * insertedAt (`datetime`) * status (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * value (`decimal.Decimal`) * source (`str`) * to (`str`) * from (`str`) * posted (`bool`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.stake_set(10) {'from': None, 'insertedAt': None, 'status': None, 'txHash': '0x76519...2341ca0', 'from': '', 'to': '', 'posted': True, 'value': '10'} """ # fetch current stake modelname = self.modelid_to_modelname(model_id) current = self.stake_get(modelname) # convert everything to decimals if current is None: current = decimal.Decimal(0) else: current = decimal.Decimal(str(current)) if not isinstance(nmr, decimal.Decimal): nmr = decimal.Decimal(str(nmr)) # update stake! if nmr < current: return self.stake_decrease(current - nmr, model_id) if nmr > current: return self.stake_increase(nmr - current, model_id)"Stake already at desired value. Nothing to do.") return None
[docs] def stake_get(self, modelname: str) -> float: """Get your current stake amount. Args: modelname (str) Returns: float: current stake (including projected NMR earnings from open rounds) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.stake_get("uuazed") 1.1 """ query = """ query($modelname: String!) { v3UserProfile(modelName: $modelname) { stakeValue } } """ arguments = {'modelname': modelname} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v3UserProfile'] return data['stakeValue']
[docs] def public_user_profile(self, username: str) -> Dict: """Fetch the public profile of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: dict: user profile including the following fields: * username (`str`) * startDate (`datetime`) * id (`string`) * bio (`str`) * nmrStaked (`float`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.public_user_profile("integration_test") {'bio': 'The official example model. Submits example predictions.', 'id': '59de8728-38e5-45bd-a3d5-9d4ad649dd3f', 'startDate': datetime.datetime( 2018, 6, 6, 17, 33, 21, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'nmrStaked': '57.582371875005243780', 'username': 'integration_test'} """ query = """ query($model_name: String!) { v3UserProfile(model_name: $model_name) { id startDate username bio nmrStaked } } """ arguments = {'model_name': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v3UserProfile'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "startDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) return data
[docs] def daily_user_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """DEPRECATED""" self.logger.warning("Method daily_user_performances is DEPRECATED, " "use daily_model_performances") return self.daily_model_performances(username)
[docs] def daily_model_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch daily performance of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily model performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * date (`datetime`) * corrRep (`float` or None) * corrRank (`int`) * mmcRep (`float` or None) * mmcRank (`int`) * fncRep (`float` or None) * fncRank (`int`) * fncV3Rep (`float` or None) * fncV3Rank (`int`) * tcRep (`float` or None) * tcRank (`int`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.daily_model_performances("uuazed") [{'corrRank': 485, 'corrRep': 0.027951873730771848, 'date': datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 14, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'fncRank': 1708, 'fncRep': 0.014548700790462122, 'tcRank': 1708, 'tcRep': 0.014548700790462122, 'fncV3Rank': 1708, 'fncV3Rep': 0.014548700790462122, 'mmcRank': 508, 'mmcRep': 0.005321406467445256}, ... ] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v3UserProfile(modelName: $username) { dailyModelPerformances { date corrRep corrRank mmcRep mmcRank fncRep fncRank fncV3Rep fncV3Rank tcRep tcRank } } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v3UserProfile'] performances = data['dailyModelPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances