Source code for numerapi.base_api

"""Parts of the API that is shared between Signals and Classic"""

import os
import datetime
import logging
from typing import Dict, List
from io import BytesIO
import pytz

import pandas as pd
import requests

from numerapi import utils


[docs] class Api: """Wrapper around the Numerai API""" def __init__(self, public_id=None, secret_key=None, verbosity="INFO", show_progress_bars=True): """ initialize Numerai API wrapper for Python Args: public_id (str): first part of your token generated at>Account->Custom API keys secret_key (str): second part of your token generated at>Account->Custom API keys verbosity (str): indicates what level of messages should be displayed. valid values are "debug", "info", "warning", "error" and "critical" show_progress_bars (bool): flag to turn of progress bars """ # set up logging self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) numeric_log_level = getattr(logging, verbosity.upper()) log_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=log_format, level=numeric_log_level) self._login(public_id, secret_key) self.show_progress_bars = show_progress_bars self.tournament_id = 0 self.global_data_dir = "." def _login(self, public_id=None, secret_key=None): # check env variables if not set if not public_id: public_id = os.getenv("NUMERAI_PUBLIC_ID") if not secret_key: secret_key = os.getenv("NUMERAI_SECRET_KEY") if public_id and secret_key: self.token = (public_id, secret_key) elif not public_id and not secret_key: self.token = None else: self.logger.warning( "You need to supply both a public id and a secret key.") self.token = None def _handle_call_error(self, errors): if isinstance(errors, list): for error in errors: if "message" in error: msg = error['message'] self.logger.error(msg) elif isinstance(errors, dict): if "detail" in errors: msg = errors['detail'] self.logger.error(msg) return msg
[docs] def raw_query(self, query: str, variables: Dict = None, authorization: bool = False, retries: int = 3, delay: int = 5, backoff: int = 2): """Send a raw request to the Numerai's GraphQL API. This function allows to build your own queries and fetch results from Numerai's GraphQL API. Checkout for an introduction and for the documentation. Args: query (str): your query variables (dict, optional): dict of variables authorization (bool, optional): does the request require authorization, defaults to `False` retries (int): for 5XX errors, how often should numerapi retry delay (int): in case of retries, how many seconds to wait between tries backoff (int): in case of retries, multiplier to increase the delay between retries Returns: dict: Result of the request Raises: ValueError: if something went wrong with the requests. For example, this could be a wrongly formatted query or a problem at Numerai's end. Have a look at the error messages, in most cases the problem is obvious. Example: >>> query = '''query($tournament: Int!) {rounds(tournament: $tournament number: 0) {number}}''' >>> args = {'tournament': 1} >>> NumerAPI().raw_query(query, args) {'data': {'rounds': [{'number': 104}]}} """ body = {'query': query, 'variables': variables} self.logger.debug(body) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} if authorization: if self.token: public_id, secret_key = self.token headers['Authorization'] = f'Token {public_id}${secret_key}' else: raise ValueError("API keys required for this action.") result = utils.post_with_err_handling( API_TOURNAMENT_URL, body, headers, retries=retries, delay=delay, backoff=backoff) if result and "errors" in result: err = self._handle_call_error(result['errors']) # fail! raise ValueError(err) return result
[docs] def list_datasets(self, round_num: int = None) -> List[str]: """List of available data files Args: round_num (int, optional): tournament round you are interested in. defaults to the current round Returns: list of str: filenames Example: >>> NumerAPI().list_datasets() [ "numerai_training_data.csv", "numerai_training_data.parquet", "numerai_validation_data.csv", "numerai_validation_data.parquet" ] """ query = """ query ($round: Int $tournament: Int) { listDatasets(round: $round tournament: $tournament) }""" args = {'round': round_num, "tournament": self.tournament_id} return self.raw_query(query, args)['data']['listDatasets']
[docs] def download_dataset(self, filename: str = None, dest_path: str = None, round_num: int = None) -> None: """ Download specified file for the given round. Args: filename (str, optional): file to be downloaded dest_path (str, optional): complete path where the file should be stored, defaults to the same name as the source file round_num (int, optional): tournament round you are interested in. defaults to the current round Returns: str: path of the downloaded file Example: >>> filenames = NumerAPI().list_datasets() >>> NumerAPI().download_dataset(filenames[0]}") """ if dest_path is None: dest_path = filename if self.global_data_dir != ".": dest_path = os.path.join(self.global_data_dir, dest_path) # if directories are used, ensure they exist dirs = os.path.dirname(dest_path) if dirs: os.makedirs(dirs, exist_ok=True) query = """ query ($filename: String! $round: Int) { dataset(filename: $filename round: $round) } """ args = {'filename': filename, "round": round_num} dataset_url = self.raw_query(query, args)['data']['dataset'] utils.download_file(dataset_url, dest_path, self.show_progress_bars) return dest_path
[docs] def set_global_data_dir(self, directory: str): """Set directory used for downloading files Args: directory (str): directory to be used """ self.global_data_dir = directory # create folder if necessary os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def get_account(self) -> Dict: """Get all information about your account! Returns: dict: user information including the fields: * assignedEthAddress (`str`) * availableNmr (`decimal.Decimal`) * availableUsd (`decimal.Decimal`) * email (`str`) * id (`str`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * mfaEnabled (`bool`) * status (`str`) * username (`str`) * apiTokens (`list`) each with the following fields: * name (`str`) * public_id (`str`) * scopes (`list of str`) * models * username * id * submissions * v2Stake * status (`str`) * txHash (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.get_account() {'apiTokens': [ {'name': 'tokenname', 'public_id': 'BLABLA', 'scopes': ['upload_submission', 'stake', ..] }, ..], 'assignedEthAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000001', 'availableNmr': Decimal('99.01'), 'email': '', 'id': '1234-ABC..', 'insertedAt': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 2, 16, 48), 'mfaEnabled': False, 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'username': 'cool username', } """ query = """ query { account { username walletAddress availableNmr email id mfaEnabled status insertedAt models { id name submissions { id filename } v2Stake { status txHash } } apiTokens { name public_id scopes } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data']['account'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(data, "availableNmr", utils.parse_float_string) return data
[docs] def models_of_account(self, account) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get all models (name and id) of an account Args: account (str): account name Returns: dict: modelname->model_id mapping, string->string Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> NumerAPI().models_of_account("uuazed") {'uuazed': '9b157d9b-ce61-4ab5-9413-413f13a0c0a6', ...} """ query = """ query($username: Str! $tournament: Int) { accountProfile(username: $username tournament: $tournament){ models { id displayName } } } """ args = {"username": account, "tournament": self.tournament_id} data = self.raw_query(query, args)['data']['accountProfile']['models'] return {item["displayName"]: item["id"] for item in sorted(data, key=lambda x: x["displayName"])}
[docs] def get_models(self, tournament: int = None) -> Dict: """Get mapping of account model names to model ids for convenience Args: tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional) Returns: dict: modelname->model_id mapping, string->string Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models() {'uuazed': '9b157d9b-ce61-4ab5-9413-413f13a0c0a6'} """ query = """ query { account { models { id name tournament } } } """ if tournament is None: tournament = self.tournament_id data = self.raw_query( query, authorization=True)['data']['account']['models'] mapping = { model['name']: model['id'] for model in data if model['tournament'] == tournament } return mapping
[docs] def get_current_round(self, tournament: int = None) -> int: """Get number of the current active round. Args: tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional) Returns: int: number of the current active round Example: >>> NumerAPI().get_current_round() 104 """ if tournament is None: tournament = self.tournament_id # zero is an alias for the current round! query = ''' query($tournament: Int!) { rounds(tournament: $tournament number: 0) { number } } ''' arguments = {'tournament': tournament} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['rounds'][0] if data is None: return None round_num = data["number"] return round_num
[docs] def get_account_transactions(self) -> List: """Get all your account deposits and withdrawals. DEPRECATED - please use `wallet_transactions` instead" """ self.logger.warning( "DEPRECATED - please use `wallet_transactions` instead") return self.wallet_transactions()
[docs] def set_bio(self, model_id: str, bio: str) -> bool: """Set bio field for a model id. Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID bio (str) Returns: bool: if the bio was changed successfully Example: >>> napi = numerapi.NumerAPI() >>> model_id = napi.get_models()["uuazed"] >>> napi.set_bio(model_id, "This model stinks.") True """ mutation = ''' mutation($value: String! $modelId: String) { setUserBio(value: $value modelId: $modelId) } ''' arguments = {'value': bio, 'modelId': model_id} res = self.raw_query(mutation, arguments, authorization=True) return res["data"]["setUserBio"]
[docs] def wallet_transactions(self) -> List: """Get all transactions in your wallet. Returns: list: List of dicts with the following structure: * from (`str`) * posted (`bool`) * status (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * amount (`decimal.Decimal`) * time (`datetime`) * tournament (`int`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.wallet_transactions() [{'amount': Decimal('1.000000000000000000'), 'from': '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000313bc', 'status': 'confirmed', 'time': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 19, 13, 28, 45), 'to': '0x000000000000000000000000000000000006621', 'tournament': None, 'txHash': '0xeasdfkjaskljf314451234', 'type': 'withdrawal'}, ... ] """ query = """ query { account { walletTxns { amount from status to time tournament txHash type } } } """ txs = self.raw_query( query, authorization=True)['data']['account']['walletTxns'] # convert strings to python objects for transaction in txs: utils.replace(transaction, "time", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(transaction, "amount", utils.parse_float_string) return txs
[docs] def set_submission_webhook(self, model_id: str, webhook: str = None) -> bool: """Set a model's submission webhook used in Numerai Compute. Read More: Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID webhook (str): The compute webhook to trigger this model Returns: bool: confirmation that your webhook has been set Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.set_submission_webhook(model_id="..", webhook="..") True """ query = ''' mutation ( $modelId: String! $newSubmissionWebhook: String ) { setSubmissionWebhook( modelId: $modelId newSubmissionWebhook: $newSubmissionWebhook ) } ''' arguments = {'modelId': model_id, 'newSubmissionWebhook': webhook} res = self.raw_query(query, arguments, authorization=True) return res['data']['setSubmissionWebhook'] == "true"
def _upload_auth(self, endpoint: str, file_path: str, tournament: int, model_id: str) -> Dict[str, str]: auth_query = f''' query($filename: String! $tournament: Int! $modelId: String) {{ {endpoint}(filename: $filename tournament: $tournament modelId: $modelId) {{ filename url }} }} ''' arguments = {'filename': os.path.basename(file_path), 'tournament': tournament, 'modelId': model_id} return self.raw_query( auth_query, arguments, authorization=True)['data'][endpoint]
[docs] def upload_diagnostics(self, file_path: str = "predictions.csv", tournament: int = None, model_id: str = None, df: pd.DataFrame = None) -> str: """Upload predictions to diagnostics from file. Args: file_path (str): CSV file with predictions that will get uploaded tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to None) -- DEPRECATED there is only one tournament nowadays model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) df (pandas.DataFrame): pandas DataFrame to upload, if function is given df and file_path, df will be uploaded. Returns: str: diagnostics_id Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.upload_diagnostics("prediction.cvs", model_id=model_id) '93c46857-fed9-4594-981e-82db2b358daf' >>> # upload from pandas DataFrame directly: >>> api.upload_diagnostics(df=predictions_df, model_id=model_id) """"uploading diagnostics...") # write the pandas DataFrame as a binary buffer if provided buffer_csv = None if tournament is None: tournament = self.tournament_id if df is not None: buffer_csv = BytesIO(df.to_csv(index=False).encode()) = file_path upload_auth = self._upload_auth( 'diagnosticsUploadAuth', file_path, tournament, model_id) with open(file_path, 'rb') if df is None else buffer_csv as file: requests.put(upload_auth['url'],, timeout=600) create_query = ''' mutation($filename: String! $tournament: Int! $modelId: String) { createDiagnostics(filename: $filename tournament: $tournament modelId: $modelId) { id } }''' arguments = {'filename': upload_auth['filename'], 'tournament': tournament, 'modelId': model_id} create = self.raw_query(create_query, arguments, authorization=True) diagnostics_id = create['data']['createDiagnostics']['id'] return diagnostics_id
[docs] def diagnostics(self, model_id: str, diagnostics_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Fetch results of diagnostics run Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) diagnostics_id (str, optional): id returned by "upload_diagnostics" Returns: dict: diagnostic results with the following content: * validationCorrMean (`float`) * validationCorrSharpe (`float`) * examplePredsCorrMean (`float`) * validationMmcStd (`float`) * validationMmcSharpe (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcSharpeDiff (`float`) * validationMmcStdRating (`float`) * validationMmcMeanRating (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcSharpeDiffRating (`float`) * perEraDiagnostics (`list`) each with the following fields: * era (`int`) * examplePredsCorr (`float`) * validationCorr (`float`) * validationCorrV4 (`float`) * validationFeatureCorrMax (`float`) * validationFeatureNeutralCorr (`float`) * validationFeatureNeutralCorrV3 * validationMmc (`float`) * validationFncV4 (`float`) * validationIcV2 (`float`) * validationRic (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcStd (`float`) * validationMmcMean (`float`) * validationCorrStdRating (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcSharpe (`float`) * validationMaxDrawdownRating (`float`) * validationFeatureNeutralCorrMean (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcMean (`float`) * validationFeatureCorrMax (`float`) * status (`string`), * validationCorrMeanRating (`float`) * validationFeatureNeutralCorrMeanRating (`float`) * validationCorrSharpeRating (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcMeanRating (`float`) * message (`string`) * validationMmcSharpeRating (`float`) * updatedAt (`datetime`) * validationFeatureCorrMaxRating (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcSharpeRating (`float`) * trainedOnVal (`bool`) * validationCorrStd (`float`) * erasAcceptedCount (`int`) * validationMaxDrawdown (`float`) * validationCorrPlusMmcStdRating (`float`) * validationAdjustedSharpe (`float`) * validationApy (`float`) * validationAutocorr (`float`) * validationCorrCorrWExamplePreds (`float`) * validationCorrMaxDrawdown (`float`) * validationCorrV4CorrWExamplePreds (`float`) * validationCorrV4MaxDrawdown (`float`) * validationCorrV4Mean (`float`) * validationCorrV4Sharpe (`float`) * validationCorrV4Std (`float`) * validationFeatureNeutralCorrV3Mean (`float`) * validationFeatureNeutralCorrV3MeanRating (`float`) * validationFncV4CorrWExamplePreds (`float`) * validationFncV4MaxDrawdown (`float`) * validationFncV4Mean (`float`) * validationFncV4Sharpe (`float`) * validationFncV4Std (`float`) * validationIcV2CorrWExamplePreds (`float`) * validationIcV2MaxDrawdown (`float`) * validationIcV2Mean (`float`) * validationIcV2Sharpe (`float`) * validationIcV2Std (`float`) * validationRicCorrWExamplePreds (`float`) * validationRicMaxDrawdown (`float`) * validationRicMean (`float`) * validationRicSharpe (`float`) * validationRicStd (`float`) Example: >>> napi = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = napi.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.upload_diagnostics("prediction.cvs", model_id=model_id) '93c46857-fed9-4594-981e-82db2b358daf' >>> napi.diagnostic(model_id) {"validationCorrMean": 0.53231, ... } """ query = ''' query($id: String $modelId: String!) { diagnostics(id: $id modelId: $modelId) { erasAcceptedCount examplePredsCorrMean message perEraDiagnostics { era examplePredsCorr validationCorr validationCorrV4 validationFeatureCorrMax validationFeatureNeutralCorr validationFeatureNeutralCorrV3 validationMmc validationFncV4 validationIcV2 validationRic } status trainedOnVal updatedAt validationCorrMean validationCorrMeanRating validationCorrPlusMmcMean validationCorrPlusMmcMeanRating validationCorrPlusMmcSharpe validationCorrPlusMmcSharpeDiff validationCorrPlusMmcSharpeDiffRating validationCorrPlusMmcSharpeRating validationCorrPlusMmcStd validationCorrPlusMmcStdRating validationCorrSharpe validationCorrSharpeRating validationCorrStd validationCorrStdRating validationFeatureCorrMax validationFeatureCorrMaxRating validationFeatureNeutralCorrMean validationFeatureNeutralCorrMeanRating validationMaxDrawdown validationMaxDrawdownRating validationMmcMean validationMmcMeanRating validationMmcSharpe validationMmcSharpeRating validationMmcStd validationMmcStdRating validationAdjustedSharpe validationApy validationAutocorr validationCorrCorrWExamplePreds validationCorrMaxDrawdown validationCorrV4CorrWExamplePreds validationCorrV4MaxDrawdown validationCorrV4Mean validationCorrV4Sharpe validationCorrV4Std validationFeatureNeutralCorrV3Mean validationFeatureNeutralCorrV3MeanRating validationFncV4CorrWExamplePreds validationFncV4MaxDrawdown validationFncV4Mean validationFncV4Sharpe validationFncV4Std validationIcV2CorrWExamplePreds validationIcV2MaxDrawdown validationIcV2Mean validationIcV2Sharpe validationIcV2Std validationRicCorrWExamplePreds validationRicMaxDrawdown validationRicMean validationRicSharpe validationRicStd } } ''' args = {'modelId': model_id, 'id': diagnostics_id} results = self.raw_query( query, args, authorization=True)['data']['diagnostics'] utils.replace(results, "updatedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) return results
[docs] def round_model_performances_v2(self, model_id: str): """Fetch round model performance of a user. Args: model_id (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of round model performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * atRisk (`float`) * corrMultiplier (`float` or None) * tcMultiplier (`float` or None) * roundNumber (`int`) * roundOpenTime (`datetime`) * roundResolveTime (`datetime`) * roundResolved (`bool`) * roundTarget (`str`) * submissionScores (`dict`) * date (`datetime`) * day (`int`) * displayName (`str`): name of the metric * payoutPending (`float`) * payoutSettled (`float`) * percentile (`float`) * value (`float`): value of the metric """ query = """ query($modelId: String! $tournament: Int!) { v2RoundModelPerformances(modelId: $modelId tournament: $tournament) { atRisk corrMultiplier tcMultiplier roundNumber, roundOpenTime, roundResolveTime, roundResolved, roundTarget, submissionScores { date, day, displayName, payoutPending, payoutSettled, percentile, value } } } """ arguments = {'modelId': model_id, 'tournament': self.tournament_id} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data'] performances = data['v2RoundModelPerformances'] for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "roundOpenTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(perf, "roundResolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(perf, "atRisk", utils.parse_float_string) if perf["submissionScores"]: for submission in perf["submissionScores"]: utils.replace( submission, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace( submission, "payoutPending", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace( submission, "payoutSettled",utils.parse_float_string) return performances
[docs] def intra_round_scores(self, model_id: str): """Fetch intra-round scores for your model. While only the final scores are relevant for payouts, it might be interesting to look how your scores evolve throughout a round. Args: model_id (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of intra-round model performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * roundNumber (`int`) * intraRoundSubmissionScores (`dict`) * date (`datetime`) * day (`int`) * displayName (`str`): name of the metric * payoutPending (`float`) * payoutSettled (`float`) * percentile (`float`) * value (`float`): value of the metric """ query = """ query($modelId: String! $tournament: Int!) { v2RoundModelPerformances(modelId: $modelId tournament: $tournament) { roundNumber, intraRoundSubmissionScores { date, day, displayName, payoutPending, payoutSettled, percentile, value } } } """ arguments = {'modelId': model_id, 'tournament': self.tournament_id} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data'] performances = data['v2RoundModelPerformances'] for perf in performances: if perf["intraRoundSubmissionScores"]: for score in perf["intraRoundSubmissionScores"]: utils.replace(score, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) fun = utils.parse_float_string utils.replace(score, "payoutPending", fun) utils.replace(score, "payoutSettled", fun) return performances
[docs] def round_model_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch round model performance of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of round model performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * corr (`float`) * corr20V2 (`float` or None) * corr20V2Percentile (`float` or None) * corr20d (`float` or None) * corr20dPercentile (`float` or None) * corrMultiplier (`float`) * corrPercentile (`float`) * corrWMetamodel (`float`) * tc (`float`) * tcPercentile (`float`) * tcMultiplier (`float`) * ic (`float`) * icPercentile (`float`) * fnc (`float`) * fncPercentile (`float`) * fncV3 (`float`) * fncV3Percentile (`float`) * mmc (`float`) * mmc20d (`float` or None) * mmc20dPercentile (`float` or None) * mmcMultiplier (`float`) * mmcPercentile (`float`) * payout (`Decimal`) * roundNumber (`int`) * roundOpenTime (`datetime`) * roundPayoutFactor (`Decimal`) * roundResolveTime (`datetime`) * roundResolved (`bool`) * roundTarget (`str` or None) * selectedStakeValue (`Decimal`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.round_model_performances("uuazed") [{'corr': -0.01296840448965, 'corr20V2': None, 'corr20V2Percentile': None, 'corr20d': None, 'corr20dPercentile': None, 'corrMultiplier': 1.0, 'corrPercentile': 0.0411107104219257, 'corrWMetamodel': 0.51542251407092, 'tc': 0.1415973344, 'tcPercentile': 0.115398485394879, 'ic': 0.1415973344, 'icPercentile': 0.115398485394879, 'fnc': 0.000437631996046271, 'fncPercentile': 0.115398485394879, 'fncV3': 0.000437631996046271, 'fncV3Percentile': 0.115398485394879, 'mmc': -0.0152125841680981, 'mmc20d': None, 'mmc20dPercentile': None, ... ] """ if self.tournament_id == 8: endpoint = "v3UserProfile" elif self.tournament_id == 11: endpoint = "v2SignalsProfile" else: raise ValueError("round_model_performances is not available for ", f"tournament {self.tournament_id}") self.logger.warning( "Deprecated soon. Checkout round_model_performances_v2.") query = f""" query($username: String!) {{ {endpoint}(modelName: $username) {{ roundModelPerformances {{ corr corr20V2 corr20V2Percentile corr20d corr20dPercentile corrMultiplier corrPercentile corrWMetamodel tc tcPercentile ic icPercentile fnc fncPercentile fncV3 fncV3Percentile mmc mmc20d mmc20dPercentile mmcMultiplier mmcPercentile payout roundNumber roundOpenTime roundPayoutFactor roundResolveTime roundResolved roundTarget selectedStakeValue tcMultiplier }} }} }} """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data'][endpoint] performances = data['roundModelPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "roundOpenTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(perf, "roundResolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(perf, "payout", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(perf, "roundPayoutFactor", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(perf, "selectedStakeValue", utils.parse_float_string) return performances
[docs] def stake_change(self, nmr, action: str = "decrease", model_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Change stake by `value` NMR. Args: nmr (float or str): amount of NMR you want to increase/decrease action (str): `increase` or `decrease` model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) Returns: dict: stake information with the following content: * dueDate (`datetime`) * status (`str`) * requestedAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * type (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.stake_change(10, "decrease", model) {'dueDate': None, 'requestedAmount': decimal.Decimal('10'), 'type': 'decrease', 'status': ''} """ query = ''' mutation($value: String! $type: String! $tournamentNumber: Int! $modelId: String) { v2ChangeStake(value: $value type: $type modelId: $modelId tournamentNumber: $tournamentNumber) { dueDate requestedAmount status type } } ''' arguments = {'value': str(nmr), 'type': action, 'modelId': model_id, 'tournamentNumber': self.tournament_id} result = self.raw_query(query, arguments, authorization=True) stake = result['data']['v2ChangeStake'] utils.replace(stake, "requestedAmount", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(stake, "dueDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) return stake
[docs] def stake_drain(self, model_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Completely remove your stake. Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to 8) Returns: dict: stake information with the following content: * dueDate (`datetime`) * status (`str`) * requestedAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * type (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.stake_drain(model) {'dueDate': None, 'requestedAmount': decimal.Decimal('11000000'), 'type': 'decrease', 'status': ''} """ return self.stake_decrease(11000000, model_id)
[docs] def stake_decrease(self, nmr, model_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Decrease your stake by `value` NMR. Args: nmr (float or str): amount of NMR you want to reduce model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to 8) Returns: dict: stake information with the following content: * dueDate (`datetime`) * status (`str`) * requestedAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * type (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.stake_decrease(10, model) {'dueDate': None, 'requestedAmount': decimal.Decimal('10'), 'type': 'decrease', 'status': ''} """ return self.stake_change(nmr, 'decrease', model_id)
[docs] def stake_increase(self, nmr, model_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Increase your stake by `value` NMR. Args: nmr (float or str): amount of additional NMR you want to stake model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to 8) -- DEPRECATED there is only one tournament nowadays Returns: dict: stake information with the following content: * dueDate (`datetime`) * status (`str`) * requestedAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * type (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.stake_increase(10, model) {'dueDate': None, 'requestedAmount': decimal.Decimal('10'), 'type': 'increase', 'status': ''} """ return self.stake_change(nmr, 'increase', model_id)
[docs] def check_round_open(self) -> bool: """Check if a round is currently open. Returns: bool: True if a round is currently open for submissions, False otherwise. Example: >>> NumerAPI().check_round_open() False """ query = ''' query($tournament: Int!) { rounds(tournament: $tournament number: 0) { number openTime closeStakingTime } } ''' arguments = {'tournament': self.tournament_id} # in some period in between rounds, "number: 0" returns Value error - # "Current round not open for submissions", because there is no active # round. This is catched by the try / except. try: raw = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['rounds'][0] except ValueError: return False if raw is None: return False open_time = utils.parse_datetime_string(raw['openTime']) deadline = utils.parse_datetime_string(raw["closeStakingTime"]) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) is_open = open_time < now < deadline return is_open
[docs] def check_new_round(self, hours: int = 12, tournament: int = None) -> bool: """Check if a new round has started within the last `hours`. Args: hours (int, optional): timeframe to consider, defaults to 12 tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional) -- DEPRECATED this is now automatically filled Returns: bool: True if a new round has started, False otherwise. Example: >>> NumerAPI().check_new_round() False """ query = ''' query($tournament: Int!) { rounds(tournament: $tournament number: 0) { number openTime } } ''' tournament = self.tournament_id if tournament is None else tournament arguments = {'tournament': tournament} # in some period in between rounds, "number: 0" returns Value error - # "Current round not open for submissions", because there is no active # round. This is catched by the try / except. try: raw = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['rounds'][0] except ValueError: return False if raw is None: return False open_time = utils.parse_datetime_string(raw['openTime']) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) is_new_round = open_time > now - datetime.timedelta(hours=hours) return is_new_round
[docs] def get_account_leaderboard( self, limit: int = 50, offset: int = 0) -> List[Dict]: """Get the current account leaderboard Args: limit (int): number of items to return (optional, defaults to 50) offset (int): number of items to skip (optional, defaults to 0) Returns: list of dicts: list of leaderboard entries Each dict contains the following items: * username (`str`) * displayName (`str`) * rank (`int`) * nmrStaked (`decimal.Decimal`) * v2Corr20 (`float`) * cort20 (`float`) * corrV4 (`float`) * fncV4 (`float`) * icV2 (`float`) * mmc (`float`) * ric (`float`) * return1y (`float`) * return3m (`float`) * returnAllTime (`float`) * return1yNmr (`decimal.Decimal`) * return3mNmr (`decimal.Decimal`) * returnAllTimeNmr (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> numerapi.NumerAPI().get_account_leaderboard() [{'username': 'leonidas', 'rank': 1, 'nmrStaked': Decimal('3034.00'), ... }] """ query = ''' query($limit: Int! $offset: Int! $tournament: Int) { accountLeaderboard(limit: $limit offset: $offset tournament: $tournament) { displayName nmrStaked rank username v2Corr20 cort20 corJ60 corrV4 fncV4 icV2 mmc ric return1y return3m returnAllTime return1yNmr return3mNmr returnAllTimeNmr } } ''' args = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, "tournament": self.tournament_id} data = self.raw_query(query, args)['data']['accountLeaderboard'] for item in data: utils.replace(item, "nmrStaked", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(item, "return1yNmr", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(item, "return3mNmr", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(item, "returnAllTimeNmr", utils.parse_float_string) return data
[docs] def modelid_to_modelname(self, model_id: str) -> str: """Get model name from a model_id. Args: model_id (str) Returns: str: modelname """ query = """ query($modelid: String!) { model(modelId: $modelid) { name } } """ arguments = {'modelid': model_id} res = self.raw_query(query, arguments, authorization=True) return res['data']['model']["name"]
[docs] def pipeline_status(self, date: str = None) -> Dict: """Get status of Numerai's scoring pipeline Args: date (str, optional): date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Defaults to today. Returns: dict: pipeline status information including the following fields: * dataReadyAt (`str`) * isScoringDay (`bool`) * resolvedAt (`datetime`) * scoredAt (`datetime`) * startedAt (`datetime`) * tournament (`str`) Example: >>> napi = NumerAPI() >>> napi.pipeline_status() """ if date is None: date = tournament = "classic" if self.tournament_id == 8 else "signals" query = """ query($tournament: String! $date: String) { pipelineStatus(date: $date, tournament: $tournament) { dataReadyAt isScoringDay resolvedAt scoredAt startedAt tournament } } """ arguments = {'tournament': tournament, "date": date} res = self.raw_query(query, arguments)["data"]["pipelineStatus"] for field in res.keys(): if field.endswith("At"): utils.replace(res, field, utils.parse_datetime_string) return res
[docs] def model_upload(self, file_path: str, tournament: int = None, model_id: str = None, data_version: str = None, docker_image: str = None) -> str: """Upload pickled model to numerai. Args: file_path (str): pickle file, needs to endwith .pkl tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional) model_id (str): Target model UUID data_version (str, optional): which data version to use. ID or name. Check available options with 'model_upload_data_versions' docker_image (str, optional): which docker image to use. ID or name. Check available options with 'model_upload_docker_images' Returns: str: model_upload_id Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.model_upload("example.pkl", model_id=model_id) '93c46857-fed9-4594-981e-82db2b358daf' """ if data_version is not None: if not utils.is_valid_uuid(data_version): data_versions = self.model_upload_data_versions() if data_version not in data_versions: msg = "'data_version' needs to be one of" msg += f"{list(data_versions.keys())}" raise ValueError(msg) data_version = data_versions[data_version] if docker_image is not None: if not utils.is_valid_uuid(docker_image): docker_images = self.model_upload_docker_images() if docker_image not in docker_images: msg = "'docker_image' needs to be one of" msg += f"{list(docker_images.keys())}" raise ValueError(msg) docker_image = docker_images[docker_image] auth_query = ''' query($filename: String! $modelId: String) { computePickleUploadAuth(filename: $filename modelId: $modelId) { filename url } } ''' arguments = {'filename': os.path.basename(file_path), 'modelId': model_id} upload_auth = self.raw_query( auth_query, arguments, authorization=True)['data']["computePickleUploadAuth"] with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: requests.put(upload_auth['url'],, timeout=600) create_query = ''' mutation($filename: String! $tournament: Int! $modelId: String $dataVersionId: String $dockerImageId: String) { createComputePickleUpload(filename: $filename tournament: $tournament modelId: $modelId dataVersionId: $dataVersionId dockerImageId: $dockerImageId) { id } }''' tournament = self.tournament_id if tournament is None else tournament arguments = {'filename': upload_auth['filename'], 'tournament': tournament, 'modelId': model_id, 'dataVersionId': data_version, 'dockerImageId': docker_image} create = self.raw_query(create_query, arguments, authorization=True) return create['data']['createComputePickleUpload']['id']
[docs] def model_upload_data_versions(self) -> Dict: """ Get available data version for model uploads Returns: dict[str, str]: name to ID mapping Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.model_upload_data_versions() {'v4.1': 'a76bafa1-b25a-4f22-9add-65b528a0f3d0'} """ query = ''' query { computePickleDataVersions { name id } } ''' data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data'] res = { item["name"]: item["id"] for item in data["computePickleDataVersions"]} return res
[docs] def model_upload_docker_images(self) -> Dict: """ Get available docker images for model uploads Returns: dict[str, str]: name to ID mapping Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.model_upload_docker_images() {'Python 3.10': 'c72ae05e-2831-4c50-b20f-c2fe01c206ef', 'Python 3.9': '5a32b827-cd9a-40a9-a99d-e58401120a0b', ... } """ query = ''' query { computePickleDockerImages { name id } } ''' data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data'] res = { item["name"]: item["id"] for item in data["computePickleDockerImages"]} return res
[docs] def submission_ids(self, model_id: str): """ Get all submission ids from a model Args: model_id (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of submissions For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * insertedAt (`datetime`) * filename (`str`) * id (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = napi.get_models()["uuazed"] >>> api.submission_ids(model_id) """ query = """ query($modelId: String) { submissions(modelId: $modelId) { id filename insertedAt } } """ raw = self.raw_query(query, {"modelId": model_id}, authorization=True) data = raw["data"]["submissions"] utils.replace(data, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) return data
[docs] def download_submission(self, submission_id: str = None, model_id: str = None, dest_path: str = None) -> str: """ Download previous submissions from numerai Args: submission_id (str, optional): the submission to be downloaded model_id (str, optional): if provided, the latest submission of that model gets downloaded dest_path (str, optional): where to save the downloaded file Returns: str: path to downloaded file Example: >>> # fetch latest submission >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model_id = api.get_models()["uuazed"] >>> api.download_submission(model_id=model_id) >>> # fetch older submssion >>> ids = api.submission_ids(model_id) >>> import random; submission_id = random.choice(ids)["id"] >>> api.download_submission(submission_id=submission_id) """ msg = "You need to provide one of `model_id` and `submission_id" assert model_id or submission_id, msg auth_query = ''' query($id: String) { submissionDownloadAuth(id: $id) { filename url } }''' if not submission_id: ids = self.submission_ids(model_id) submission_id = max(ids, key=lambda x: x['insertedAt'])["id"] data = self.raw_query( auth_query, {'id': submission_id}, authorization=True)['data']["submissionDownloadAuth"] if dest_path is None: dest_path = data["filename"] path = utils.download_file(data["url"], dest_path) return path